Sunday, July 13, 2008

Chicago - the Windy City - New Beginnings

Kinda hard to write this without tearing up a little...Weird how I'm about to take that next step in life when it feels like I'm just about to enter high school. People ask: "Why Chicago?" and you may be wondering that same thing too. Well, here's the answer: "Because God said so." I can't explain it anymore than that. Wherever He leads is always the best and if there's no logical answer behind it, then it's okay!

I'm actually nervous. Being a teacher is a huugggeee responsibility. I have the power to mold and shape children's minds. (kinda powerful-sounding, huh) What if I screw up? What if I get a child that needs love and attention and I don't give enough? What if parents hate me and try to get me fired? haha I know what you're thinking: "Leigh Anne, that's not gonna happen!" What if you're wrong? So, get this: I can't do it on my own. I've come to realize that worrying does absolutely NOTHING! Worrying is like a rocking chair. It'll keep you occupied but get you nowhere.

As for the city itself - I'll be able to live with a lady from the church. She's Filipina and offered a room for me in her house that's, get this, only 5 minutes away from the school. It's a beautiful home and being Filipino, she already has everything set up for me. Sweet.

the church - a dream. First time there, I was treated like a princess. Okay, slight exaggeration, but the people there were really friendly and I felt at home. I absolutely loveeee their worship team. They have a huge stage, complete with a percussionist, a drummer (yes, that makes 2 of them!) , a pianist, a keyboardist, a lefty-guitarist, an electric lead guitarist, a flutist, 4 back up singers (2 guys and 2 girls), and a worship leader who can sing and play the guitar! Wow! But the amazing thing is that when they worship there, it's worship.... and it's the pastors who are getting it on. I love a church that's not afraid to say Amen. They also have lots of Sunday Schools to choose from, women's Bible study, prayer meeting on Wednesdays, and fellowship on Tuesdays. Whether or not I'll be doing the same things that I'm doing in SICCC will be saved for another blog.

So, looks like this is f'real. Leaving one ministry and headed for another. This is not like transferring from one school or even from one church to another. This really means stepping out of my comfort zone of NYC and completely stepping out in faith.

Well, here I go...


Paul said...

good luck!! hang with us b4 u leave!! and tell me when you give your first "time out" to a kid hahaha next ralphs is on me

joanna said...

:[ leighanne... you dunno how much i dont want you to go. this would be like another lettin go of someone significant into God`s hands.. the first for me was uncle elon. i hate saying goodbye... but the good thing for us is that we dont have to.. it`s only a see you later :] <3

teenhamodic said...

i'm excited for you really... - not because you're going away but i'm excited that you're going to be experiencing a lot - no matter where you go... you're always family here =]

except when we get on that tennis court... hehe

Juicebox said...

About you screwing up as a teacher...
Let's think about all the crazy teachers at Tech, Aronson, Baldari, Bonamo, Callahan, Scavo, Bennett, Emert, DiGuilio, Mazza, Raile, Cicero (whole banana eater), Irizarry, Lowe, Mahon, Wantowski
I'm pretty sure you can churn out more normal and better members of society than all of the above have And also manage to not get fired for getting smartboards when we don't have textbooks. :P

florence luong said...

i'm going to kidnap you